Tuesday, February 16, 2010


This is my self portrait picture. This was from a while ago, but I really like it.
I had to get a tripod and set it really low. Then run back and forth with a timer because I don't have a remote :[. I personally think this picture is kind of boring because it's really common to see a picture like this :/


  1. I like this picture :D
    love the background and
    I like how it seems almost
    as though your about to float
    or lift off somewhere.
    Very attractive legs chen-ching :]
    have you been working out? lol

  2. Well don;t let it be common...you are the artist...make it exceptional. What could you do in photoshop to make this stand out. I like it a lot but maybe overlay a texture of leaves or grass or clip it to a mask?
